"Unlike the agencies we left for Just., our team firmly believes that the intrinsic value of your business cannot come from our strategies or expertise. Rather, the true value lies within your story. All we do is help you tell it."
- Andrew Valdez, Founder of Just.
A health care non-profit sought to raise significant funds during their annual fundraising gala, but faced challenges in reaching their target audience and conveying their mission effectively.
A Southern California-based non-profit initially approached Just. for a one-time project. They needed help with brand strategy to better connect with their audience and drive donations.
To be a successful real estate agent, you need a brand that sets you apart. This is especially true in Lost Angeles and New York City markets. Metropolitan agents need a content strategy to help them stand out in competitive markets and attract new clients.
A head of a film team approached Just. to develop their brand for their unreleased movie and create a content strategy to promote it at local, national, and international film festivals.
New York City's newest comedy club needed help establishing its brand and drawing in audiences for its events. Developing a new brand in NYC is no laughing matter. Competition is constantly watching what you're doing and new competitors are popping up everyday.